Delivery Information
- Goods will be delivered Post Net to Post Net closest to your residential address, in South Africa, within 5 working days from the date of purchase, or if delayed due to circumstances beyond our control, then within a reasonable time thereafter.
- If the seal of the delivery is not tampered with, then the goods are in a proper condition. If the seal has been tampered with, do not accept delivery and return the goods or alternatively contact the Call Centre for further advice
- You will be charged a delivery fee, which will have been added to your purchase price.
- We will not be held responsible for any delay in the delivery of your goods, as a result of causes that are beyond our control.
- To track your parcel, we will send you tracking number.
- Flat Shipping Fee does not apply on international orders. International deliveries depend on the region.
- Vinylart Interior will arrange a quote for each order.
- International Delivery charges have to be Quoted separately by emailing us your address at